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    Aster Mirrors

LED Backlit Bathroom Mirrors

Ireland’s premier choice of bathroom mirrors with lights is found here at Tile Merchant. A broad and versatile range of LED mirrors available in circular and rectangular formats, with a variety of finishes, styles, and sizes to suit almost any taste and budget. 

Spruce up your tiny toilet, barebones bathroom or shower room in need of some love with something from our lighted bathroom mirror range. 

These mirrors have built-in LED lights in strips or around the border, activated by touch, to bathe you in a soft, cool and complimentary glow every time you use your bathroom. 

Catch those last straggler hairs when shaving, and never walk away with your makeup, hair, morning or nighttime routine half-finished when you use LED bathroom mirrors chosen for Ireland’s canniest DIY interior designers.

Light Mirrors: Illuminated Bathroom Mirrors

LED mirrors are equally as popular in homes with big, spacious bathrooms as they are in the smallest of spaces—helping to compliment and elevate natural light, or replace it in internal windowless rooms. 

Browse the full illuminated mirrors and bathroom mirrors range at Tile Merchant today, and order online for fast and secure delivery direct to your door. 

Alternatively, shop the range in-store at one of our showrooms to get the full experience of using these stunning mirrors before you buy!